Sebastien Dignard appointed President of FRAMOS Technologies Inc.

Sebastien Dignard appointed President of FRAMOS Technologies Inc.

…and will lead the expansion into the North American market
The FRAMOS Group, Europe’s premier supplier of imaging products, custom solutions and OEM engineering services, today announced the appointment of Sebastien Dignard as the President of FRAMOS Technologies Inc.
As President of Ottawa based FRAMOS Technologies Inc., Dignard will be responsible for growing all aspects of FRAMOS’ business in the Americas with a special focus on sales management, building partnerships, custom vision designs, engineering services and establishing FRAMOS as a strong Vision player globally.
Dignard brings close to 15 years of senior level experience in management and international business development, including extensive experience in the Vision industry.  Prior to joining the team, Sebastien Dignard was a General Manager with Xerox Services Canada and held senior level positions with Pleora Technologies and Lumenera Corporation.  Sebastien is a graduate of both the University of Ottawa, where he obtained a B.Com in International Business, and ESC de Reims in France, where he obtained a DESEM with a major in International Finance.
 “Our aim is to enable manufacturers, OEM’s, system integrators and researchers to benefit from machine vision and imaging technologies. As one of the founding companies in imaging, we are now happy to serve our customers worldwide. We are extremely excited to complete our Management Team with Sebastien and to continue the growth of the FRAMOS Group,” welcomes Dr. Andreas Franz, CEO of FRAMOS Group.
Publication: SPS Newsletter (pdf) Photonics Novus Light inVision News EMVA Aktiv Verzeichnis IMVE AIA

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