Pleora’s first wireless embedded video interface

Pleora’s first wireless embedded video interface

Pleora’s iPORT™ NTx-W Embedded Video Interface provides systems manufacturers and integrators with a straightforward way to integrate GigE Vision® 2.0 wireless video connectivity into cameras, X-ray panels, and other imaging devices for applications where cabling creates complexity, cost, and usability challenges.
The iPORT NTx-W Embedded Video Interface streams uncompressed video with low, consistent latency at sustained throughputs of more than 150 Mb/s over an IEEE 802.11n wireless link. The video is transferred directly to a laptop, tablet, or single-board computer, eliminating the need for a desktop PC with an expensive frame grabber card.
To ensure reliable wireless performance, Pleora’s iPORT NTx-W combines the guaranteed video delivery mechanisms incorporated in the GigE Vision standard with flow control that adapts video transport to link speed for reliable data delivery. The embedded hardware has a large 128MB frame buffer for fast sensor readout, with metered delivery over wireless and supports 3×3 MIMO (multiple input/multiple output) and dual band for improved range and noise immunity. Features include standard encryption modes for security, and access point and client modes for flexible networking configurations and allows record-and-playback and serial communication.
Dr. Ronald Müller from Pleora’s distributor FRAMOS explains: “We are excited about Pleora’s new solution for wireless communication between the camera and processing hardware. For any kind of mobile inspection scenario, it provides more flexibility and is independent from the data processing unit, especially when battery powered. In industrial and medical endoscopy and quality assurance the improved ease-of-use will increase the acceptance of imaging technologies. Pleora’s NTx-W simplifies the design in for mobile cameras in dust- and water-proof enclosures for harsh environments. Integration of this new interface in Smart Cameras, where the video is processed on-board, leads to a significant reduction of the required bandwidth and as a result widely distributed multi-camera systems can be built without the inconvenience of laying video data cables.”
The ultra-compact video interface hardware is easily integrated with an image sensor board performing sensor control and readout. Thanks to the identical interface (pins, signal level, pixel clock) and form factor compared to the NTx-GigE and NTx-U3 (USB3.0) the camera designer integrates the desired image sensor and is instantly able to deliver cameras with 3 different interfaces including the appropriate drivers. To reduce development time and costs of the wireless camera, designers can choose from a selection of antennas pre-certified for use in over 80 countries and jurisdictions. The iPORT NTx-W is provided with Pleora’s feature-rich eBUS™ SDK, application tool kit and drivers, allowing designers to rapidly prototype and deploy customer-ready software.
Publication Novus Light Elektronik.Net Quality Engineering Aktiv Verzeichnis Photonik EMVA wire

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