New Semiconductor Distributor ViMOS Combines the Best of Three Worlds

New Semiconductor Distributor ViMOS Combines the Best of Three Worlds

The new high-tech distributor for semiconductors ViMOS technologies GmbH will be headquartered in Munich, Germany and support clients and customers in the Europe region. The new company will mainly focus on large customers in the Automotive and Medical markets and will include Vitec’s current business in Europe. ViMOS is an affiliated company to FRAMOS and pools the semiconductor competences with both strong partners Vitec and WPG.

Andreas Franz, CEO of FRAMOS expresses, “I am thrilled about the potential of ViMOS and the opportunity to create a new company with Vitec, one of the best electronics distributors in Japan and WPG, the biggest semiconductor distributor in the world. FRAMOS will remain focused on the imaging industry, while the new company will concentrate on big automotive and medical clients, as Germany and Japan are the best match for a future high tech service and device distribution business. ViMOS will have the blend of people from the two organizations, creating a leading team suited to drive future growth.”

Semiconductor customers benefit from the best price to quality ratio

Semiconductor customers benefit from the best price to quality ratio using Asian market access, European support and quality assurance. As a partner, ViMOS provides sales, in depth technical solutions support, marketing and quality standards to ensure a smooth design and production process, with the backing of best product. Framos clients in the imaging and machine vision sectors benefit from access to high-end semiconductor products and networking synergies to accelerate the development of vision systems for automated smart factories and the digitalization of complete value chains.

“Based on the dynamic digitalization of the semiconductor business in Europe, especially in the Automotive and Medical sectors, ViMOS will capitalize on complementary strengths and innovation expertise from all companies in this Joint Venture. Combining Vitec’s strong and successful experience in the car electronics industry in Japan with FRAMOS’s excellent technical background and significant presence in EMEA region in addition to the 30 year relationship with SONY semiconductors each brings to the table has allowed for the smooth development of this company,” explains Toshiyuki Suzuki, CEO of Vitec Global Electronics.

Frank Yeh, WPG CEO, highlights the advantage of merging the core competences of the three partners to build a unique distributor and quality service provider in high-tech semiconductors, “ViMOS, through the combination of FRAMOS and Vitec expertise, and the backing of WPG group, is a unique and exciting opportunity for strong growth in EMEA region. We look forward to further leveraging our position and expertise in the semiconductor industry to support FRAMOS and Vitec in this new venture.” Osamu Komaki, Vitec Global Electronics EVP, Group Executive of the Global strategy group, will chair the ViMOS Board of Directors. Axel Krepil, Framos Sales Director for the Sensor+ division, is the appointed ViMOS CEO.

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