FRAMOS update regarding SONY’s final discontinuation process for CCD sensors

FRAMOS update regarding SONY’s final discontinuation process for CCD sensors

Sony’s official End-of-Life Product List
Further to our last announcement, we are now able to provide the updated and final end-of-life (EOL) procedure for the official Sony CCD sensor discontinuation.
As the main distributor for Europe and America, FRAMOS is requested on behalf of Sony Japan to share this information with our customer base.
Sony’s official End-of-Life Product List provides a process overview and shows the detailed forecast and last time buy deadlines as well as the final shipment dates.
As a result of our customers’ feedback and our own efforts and feedback, SONY was able to postpone the last time shipment date to March 2026 for the high running products (defined as ‘A-Rank’) highlighted in yellow in the attached list, additionally a couple more products have now been included in the A-Rank list.
All A-Rank products are marked in yellow color in the attached list. The following example procedure shows how to ensure you receive your demand for Rank-A CCD sensors until 2026:

  • first draft forecast by quantity, part number and year is required to be confirmed to FRAMOS by the end of August 2015
  • a non-binding accurate forecast is required by the end of March 2015
  • shut-down of the wafer production: end of March 2017
  • last order to be submitted end of September 2025
  • last shipments until March 2026

For all other “low-runner” CCD sensors the EOL timeline is different, the data is provided in the End-Of-Life Product List for your convenience.
Based on the given customer forecasts SONY will produce wafers and store them in their wafer cage. Ordered products will be freshly assembled, packaged and tested based upon customers’ orders throughout 2026.
For any questions about the CCD order process and/or possible sensor alternatives for your individual imaging project please contact your local FRAMOS contact or write to
Publication: Inspect IMVE Inspect Online Vision Systems Design InVision

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