This month is dedicated to the incredible people who have faced cancer and emerged as survivors. Their journey is not just about life after treatment – it’s an in-depth exploration of their progress over time, from diagnosis to treatment and beyond.
At FRAMOS, we encourage our FRAMOSians to support a charity of their choice through donations. This year, Zala Škrgulja Eder, our Social Media & PR Manager, has chosen “We Are Not Alone”
What inspired Zala to choose this organization, what the organization does and much more information can be found in this article.
I have always enjoyed projects where you can help someone so I was proud and happy that I could be a part of the FRAMOS Donation campaign this year and propose the organization that I would like to support.
As my loved ones have struggled with cancer twice, after two big fights I am naturally more sensitive to cancer topics. That is why my pitch was to support an association that is helping women suffering from and being treated for cancer.
From my personal experience, I know how cancer can affect the life of the person struggling with it but also the lives of the whole family.
The association “We Are Not Alone” was founded in March 2017 to promote and improve all forms of cancer prevention, especially in women, then providing support to women suffering from and being treated for cancer, education, and better information about patients, their families, and the general public, as well as raising awareness about the importance of prevention, improving the quality of treatment and the social position of sick women, and protecting health in general.
During the seven years of its existence, the Association We Are Not Alone had behind it several very notable projects created by the experience of the founder and president of the Association, Ivana Kalogjera. The most well-known among the public is the social service project of transporting women to chemotherapy called “You are not alone – you are coming with us!”
The project of transporting women undergoing chemotherapy by taxi “You are not alone – you are coming with us!” is one of the most innovative projects realized in Croatia. The importance of the service of free transportation of women to chemotherapy by taxi is shown by some testimonies from users of this service. Most of these women either do not have the support of their families or the financial ability to pay for transportation and sometimes, with all the help of their families, they end up in a situation where there is no one to help them. Many of them pointed out that they would have given up treatment if it had not been for the transportation services.
As part of the project of transporting women to chemotherapy, the sub-project “You are not alone – ask without shame!” was launched, to provide online support to people who are being treated or have been treated for malignant disease and their family members, for which purpose a special e – email address to which 311 people contacted us for help and advice in the four years the project has been running, mostly women with cancer, but also their family members and a few family friends.
I think people must know about this organization because of its impactful contributions to women suffering from and being treated for cancer. Increased awareness can lead to greater support, enabling the organization to expand programs, and reach more communities.
For me, it is so inspiring to see how the association “We are not alone.” is helping all these women in all areas. After my loved ones got this cancer diagnosis, I started reading their web pages and blog articles where women are sharing their powerful and inspiring stories. That helped me a lot.
As the founder of the association said, when she got sick, first she went to the Internet to look for advice, support, or at least the story of a woman who had already gone through what was waiting for her. A story of hope, a place where I can share my concerns or meet someone with the same diagnosis as she had. She hasn’t found such a place and around the world there are thousands of cancer survivors, fighters, and supporters who actively share their stories and do everything they can to raise awareness of the need for cancer prevention and, on the other hand, to encourage patients.
No one who has gone through the difficult journey of healing, or is still healing, should feel alone and forgotten. Awareness of the disease has changed in recent years, but not enough, and everyone must participate in it, from family members and friends to society.
That’s how the idea of a page was born. It is designed as a place where you can exchange experiences, get information, look for answers to questions that bother you, warn about illogicalities and problems in the system, share strength, and enjoy life.
If you would like to know more about the organization visit the link:
If you are willing to support the organization and become a donator visit the link:
Zala Škrgulja Eder
Author and contributor