Fall Program of Imaging Experts Academy highlights 3D Vision, Advanced Imaging and CMOS Technology

Fall Program of Imaging Experts Academy highlights 3D Vision, Advanced Imaging and CMOS Technology

framos_imaging_experts_academy_500pxThe FRAMOS Imaging Experts Academy (IEA) launches its fall training program a with focus on 3D vision, CMOS technology, choosing the right equipment and the use of advanced algorithms. The IEA program is designed to enable engineers, project managers and all employees involved in imaging applications to overcome imaging challenges, gain a competitive edge with the advanced knowledge they acquire, and grow confident in handling the technology.

The renowned Kodak-fellow and imaging expert Professor Dr. Majid Rabbani will be teaching experienced imaging users how to reach the next level of productivity and effectiveness in their applications. With practical examples, “Advanced Digital Image Processing” will explain how better application results can be obtained using enhanced algorithms and settings.

“Very helpful for intuitive understanding of fundamental algorithms with tons of valuable examples and a great focus. I gained specific knowledge which is not in the books!” summarized an attendee of Rabbani’s March training course.

With the focus on current CMOS technology, Professor Dr. Albert Theuwissen, a pillar of the FRAMOS seminar program, will hold his seminar on “Deep Insights of CMOS Sensors” on October 04-05 and will also give his hands-on training course entitled “Characterization of a CMOS Camera” on November 29-30.

Another image processing expert, Chair of the EMVA1288 standardizing committee, Professor Dr. Bernd Jähne will discuss the EMVA 1288 imaging standard and his measuring technology on-site December 05-06. After a first and very successful webinar in July, Jähne will hold another EMVA 1288 webinar on November 09. In his training “Technical Optics for Imaging Processing” Professor Dr. Jähne provides the required understanding and knowledge in technical optics for an audience with general knowledge in image processing.

“We gained a proper perspective of how to perform measurements on cameras, measurement uncertainties and the usefulness as well as limitations of the EMVA1288 standard for our application” said an attendee of Professor Jähne’s webinar in July.

The seminar “Introduction to 3D Imaging Metrology and Photogrammetry” held by Professor Dr.-Ing. habil Dr. h.c.Thomas Luhmann on October 18-19 and the “Camera & Lens” practical training course held by Dipl.-Ing. Dietmar Wüller on November 07-08 are designed for those new to the field of imaging.

The concise webinar “Measuring Lenses to understand Image Quality” on October 25 by lens specialist Dipl.-Phy. Stephanie Simon helps imaging users to select the proper optics for their application and to build high quality, reliable vision systems. This webinar explains the terms resolution, chromatic aberration and distortion with real world examples and shows how to measure them.

All on-site courses are held in the IEA training center south of Munich and have a limited number of participants. Attendees benefit from best learning preconditions in small groups. The Image Experts Academy seminars are also available as in-house sessions with customized content, and individually-configured training courses. A complete overview of all the training courses can be downloaded from https://www.framos.com/en/events/trainings

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