Euresys’ High Performance Frame Grabbers Bring FullHD Clarity to Medical Applications

Euresys’ High Performance Frame Grabbers Bring FullHD Clarity to Medical Applications

With its complete range of PICOLO HD video capture cards, Euresys, developer of high performance frame grabbers with 25 years’ experience in industrial machine vision, brings the clarity of real-time FullHD 1080p video to single camera applications. In combination with the full support of Euresys’ distributor, FRAMOS, and its industry expertise, medical customers can take the most advantage of more details and a maximized field of view for better diagnosis and surveillance. The PICOLO HD cards are high-performance PCIe video capture cards that are compatible with SDI, HDMI, DVI and analog video sources. Acquiring high-definition color 1080p video signals (various resolutions up to 1920 x 1080 with 25 to 60fps) from one HD camera in a PC environment, the Euresys frame grabbers are ideal for clear and contrasting images in applications ranging from dental, image-guided surgery, laboratory to measuring microscopes. In addition, the PICOLO HD 3G DVI offers the alternative to connect a standard-definition analog Y/C or composite video source. On top of that, it is also compatible with SD (525i60 and 625i50) video sources. The PICOLO HD H.264 has also H.264 onboard compression with up to 2 streams.
Hannes Driessen, Euresys Line Manager at FRAMOS explains: “The PICOLO HD series demonstrates the highest potential in the endoscopy market, benefitting the medical industry most. Neurosurgery imaging and surgical navigation in laparoscopy, urology endoscopy, GI endoscopy, arthroscopy, ENT as well as spinal and neuro-surgery lead to less-invasive procedures and more accurate diagnosis and interventions. A huge increase in public awareness about early treatment leads more individuals to undergo screenings. With the clarity of real-time FullHD 1080p video you see more details in the video and therefore can maximize your field of view!”
There are many more medical applications benefiting from frame grabber solutions: For insurance or educational purposes in surgery or for dentist equipments, they are installed as interface solutions with HD cameras like Sony FCB’s in operating lights. As part of HD video acquisition consoles for operating rooms, Euresys’ PICOLO HD series support, enrich and record examination data and video and the connection to the hospital PACS (Picture Archiving and Communicating System). For the microscopy market in life science and industrial applications, live videos can be displayed and recorded from cameras installed on microscopy equipments.
The PICOLO HD cards support the PCIe standard and come with up to 4 video input connectors, stereo and digital audio inputs, 16 IO lines and with Windows-compatible drivers, DirectShow and C APIs. The PICOLO HD studio software, developed to ease the first customer experience as well as the board integration, displays horizontal and vertical scales or any shape as overlay and saves images as well as records H.264 AVI files. This free software and the source code are installed automatically with the PICOLO HD driver. The technical support experts from FRAMOS help medical companies to find the perfect frame grabber solution by their application requirements or to compose interacting components to a system and to implement. With a profound imaging knowledge the FRAMOS industry and product experts provide additional services like development support, engineering and logistics to support medical customers to make use of Euresys’ PICOLO HD series for their applications and projects.

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