11. FRAMOS® Market Study Takes a In-depth Look at the Imaging Market

11. FRAMOS® Market Study Takes a In-depth Look at the Imaging Market


Open to Attend: The study “Industrial Cameras and Vision Systems: Their Market and Trends” unveils the current status of the imaging industry and the future developments, from both camera manufacturers and camera users.

Again, FRAMOS is conducting its 11th annual international market survey on the imaging and vision market. The survey “Industrial Cameras and Vision Systems: Their Market and Trends”, aims to assess the current status of the imaging industry and the future developments that are expected from both camera manufacturers and camera users. The FRAMOS market survey is open to attend until August 15th and provides detailed analysis and future trends to support strategic decision-making.

This market study focuses on industrial cameras and vision systems as key components of imaging applications and relevant components like sensors and lenses. These cameras are predominantly used for automatic image capture and intelligent image analysis in industry applications like automation and robotics in production and logistics, medical imaging, quality assurance, traffic monitoring, autonomous cars, and drones. In addition, Smart Home devices like robotic vacuum cleaners, lawn mowers, and, connected security and surveillance systems benefit from these imaging applications.

CEO Dr. Andreas Franz explains the approach of the FRAMOS Market Study: “With the focus on industrial cameras, the survey delivers very consistent and meaningful results. Although the survey traditionally analysed camera manufacturers and camera users separately, this approach provides greater transparency and more detailed results. Based on this survey, the participants are able to make deductions for their strategic decisions.”

The FRAMOS market study is available as an anonymous online questionnaire, in which the participants are asked about the main technical features of their installed cameras, or cameras currently in manufacture. In addition, FRAMOS queries the participants for their assessments about current and future camera developments, and about the most relevant challenges on their imaging journey.

Each participant obtains exclusive access to the comprehensive statistical results. Subsequently, excerpts of the study results will be published in the trade press. Participants, in appreciation for taking the survey, will qualify to win one seminar attendance at the Image Experts Academy worth 1,590€, or one of 10 Amazon gift vouchers worth 25€ / 25$.

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