Where to Get Best Use of 10GigE and its Advantages – Broadcasting

Where to Get Best Use of 10GigE and its Advantages – Broadcasting

The advantages of 10GigE technology in Broadcasting



What is 10GigE?

10GigE – short for 10 Gigabit Ethernet – is a data transfer standard for high speed networks, developed and administered by the IEEE 802.3 working group. It is the enhancement of the familiar and reliable GigE Vision standard, which together with USB3 Vision is the leading standard in machine vision. 10GigE provides bandwidth and frame rates that are ten times faster than GigE. It achieves 10 Gbps or 1250 MBps, of which approximately 9.5 Gbps / 1180 MBps can be used effectively. Unlike GigE Vision, 10GigE is suitable for cable lengths of up to 100 m over copper and up to 10 km over fiber optic.

The latest generation of image sensors offers a high resolution of up to 50 megapixels, fast frame rates of over 300 fps, a greater bit depth and a high dynamic range. The higher volumes of data associated with these image sensors can only be transferred through a significant bandwidth increase. 10GigE is the answer to the demands of the vision industry for high speed data transfer.


• Broadcasting
• Science
• Telecommunications
• Data communication
• Industry with fast-moving items
• Entertainment and sport
• Military


Balltracking_84812185_M_edited_kindleBall Tracking

In tennis, the line judge decides whether a ball has landed out or on the line. Immediate tracking of a ball and its exact position at a specific point in time is important to be able to review the play in real time and accurately assess the ball’s position to make the right calls. This same video feed is then shared with the audience as an explanation for the call and for control of live broadcasts and digital production for online reporting of tennis matches. Tracking where the ball lands is also used in coaching players post-match using motion analysis and evaluation of research trials on sports equipment during the development stage.

Timing and synchronization of multiple cameras are the main criteria which requires precise tracking from detailed motion data in combination with exact timing information for each image frame. In typical 10GigE systems, the interplay of integrated IRIG modules and dual sync cards ensure synchronization precision. Programmable via the software development kit (SDK), multiple cameras are connected with individual cables to the processing PC. Trigger speeds and frame rates can therefore be uniformly synchronized with minimal CPU utilization with low latency. Since they can be used with all cable lengths and types, IRIG triggering is the most flexible solution for synchronized high-speed applications from a cost and performance perspective.


Fotolia_136067852_L_editedGoal-line Monitoring

Did the ball cross the goal line or not? 10GigE cameras installed parallel to the goal line help with this match-deciding question. They monitor the goal and the ball in full HD television quality resolution (1920 x 1080) and, depending on the lighting conditions, with frame rates of up to 300 frames per second. This enables sharp filming of fast-moving scenes with high time resolution and without any motion distortion. Thanks to this instant replay and precise evaluation of the goal area, the referee is able to take a decision in real time.

All that is needed to link the compact cameras and the PC is a single fiber optic cable with SFP+ connection. The goal line camera is installed outdoors all year round and linked, without any additional frame grabbers, to the outside broadcast van or playback station located up to 10 km away. With fewer fitted components and cables, the cost of a 10GigE camera system is significantly lower than for CameraLink or CoaxPress. As only one on-site technician is needed, the commissioning and in-operation servicing of the camera system takes considerably less time. With data processing via NICs integrated within the PC, the amount of CPU capacity utilized is less than 1%. Low latency, between 5 and 50 μs, ensure jitter-free and instantaneous playback of the goal playback.


Overview_Fotolia_106859300_M_edited_kindleBird’s-Eye View Broadcasting

With televising sports events, a full bird‘s eye overview of the action is important. 10GigE camera systems provide a simple remote control solution with excellent price to performance. Fitted with a Canon EF lens with Birger lens mount, the camera is installed above the action, free from obstructions, e.g. on the stadium roof. Latest-generation sensors achieve UHD resolution (3840 x 2160), 4K HD television quality. Camera settings such as trigger time, frame rate, lens zoom, focus and aperture can be remotely controlled from the PC connected via fiber optics with SPF+ connectors without the need to have a camera operator mounted above the field of play. With up to 93 fps at 4K resolution, events can be reproduced in both time-lapse and slow-motion format. The 10GigE cameras are compact in size and can be permanently installed outside in weatherproof housings. The simple setup with camera including of lens, cable, NIC and processing PC ensures that the costs are low and require no additional components or personnel.



The Advantages of 10GigE

High Resolution & Image Quality Competitive Cost Ratio
High resolution image sensors combined with high frame rates
facilitate the recording of fast-moving scenes that capture all detail
in crisp sharpness, without any motion blur. 10GigE transfers the
data-intense images to the processing unit in full resolution, at
high speed and with very minimal latencies.
When using 10GigE cameras there is no longer a need for additional
frame grabbers. For distances of up to 100 meters, standard
cables with custom assemblies can be used. Servicing and operating
costs will decrease as fewer components are needed leading
to quicker implementations and reduced risks for errors.
Long Cable Lengths Versatile Technology
10GigE facilitates cable lengths of up to 100 m without any repeater
or optical extender over standard CAT6A cable (CAT5E as well for
under 40 m) using RJ45 connectors. This enables 10GigE cameras
to be connected to any computer with a 10GigE network card and,
when combined with a cable cost of less than $10/meter that can
be made at variable lengths, it is an inexpensive solution. Fiber optic
cables with SFP+ connections can also be used which enables
cable lengths of up to 6 miles.
GigE Vision over 10GigE is backward compatible with all GigE
hardware and software components and with third-party libraries,
including supporting GenICam. Development is sped up through
intuitive programming and product compatibility. 10GigE utilizes the
10GBase-T and SFP+ platforms, which are widely used in the IT
world. The fully IEEE-compliant and AIA-certified technology standard
is compatible with switches, motherboards, interface cards,
cables and cameras, making it very user-friendly.
Multi-camera Systems Controllable via one PC Low Bandwidths and CPU load
By using network interface cards (NICs), up to 16 cameras can be
centrally controlled via one PC. The synchronization latency in this
application is less than 1 μs. This extreme precision is realized using
IRIG time encoders.
The required PC computing power is kept to typically < 1% as
the data processing takes place directly on the NIC. This ensures
fast processing, high PC performance and low latency levels
(5-50 μm) – providing a jitter-free, instantaneous image transfer.
Quick and Uncomplicated Implementation  
To implement an application with 10GigE, all that is needed is a
10GigE-compatible camera and a suitable cable. This allows for a
simple integration which can be done very quickly.




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